Yes, you can expect to receive the same product as shown in the pictures on our website. We strive to accurately represent our items through high-quality images, so the product you receive should match what you see online.
To view your sales receipt, log into your account on our website. Under the "Orders" section, you'll find a list of past purchases. Click on the order you want, and you can access the receipt details there.
To return an item, please follow these simple steps: contact customer service, obtain a return authorization, and ship the item back in its original packaging within the specified return window.
Yes, we aim to restock items that are currently shown as "out of stock." Our team works hard to replenish inventory levels for popular products that have sold out.
You can ship your order to any address within Pakistan. This includes residential addresses like your home or a friend's place. You can also ship it to commercial addresses such as offices and businesses.